Brussels, 2 February 2021 – EURATEX responded with clear ideas to the roadmap for a European Textile Strategy. The EC initiative should push the textile and clothing industry to be more competitiveness, innovative and sustainable.
The European Commission aims at adopting the European Strategy for Textile by the 3rd Quarter of 2021. It published first a Roadmap and will soon launch a public consultation.
EURATEX has been working for the past five years on developing a coherent strategy to push the industry to a more competitive and sustainable future. These are the focal points that we advise the EU to take onboard:
- Good balance between sustainability & the cost for industry.
- Address the competitiveness and resilience of the European textiles industry, without which no sustainability strategy can be implemented.
- Work on areas such as research, innovation & digitalisation, standards, public procurement, market surveillance, global value chain, skills, consumer trends and so on.
- Policy coherence: textiles strategy to be aligned with EU Green Deal and other relevant EU policies, including the EU Industrial strategy, the new EU Trade strategy, the EU Pact for Skills, the Sustainable Chemicals strategy, etc.
- Consider the entire value chain of the industry: complex, involving multiple production steps, resulting in a variety of products.
- Establish, as much as possible, commitments, agreed targets and a time frame. Before, make careful and realistic impact assessments, and foresee strategic investments.
- Set up an appropriate governance which gathers legitimate representatives of the industry, policy makers and other key stakeholders.
To know more, you can read EURATEX reply.