Zeist/Brussels, May 31 2021 – From 7 to 9 November 2021, the world of apparel and textiles will meet in Antwerp, Belgium, for a unique double convention: the 36th World Fashion Convention on 7-8 November, hosted by IAF, and the 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention on 8-9 November, hosted by EURATEX.
COVID-19 has shaken the foundations of the textiles, apparel and fashion industry. Global supply chains have been disrupted, retailers are restructuring their sourcing options, consumer behaviour is changing. At the same time, public authorities are introducing new environmental standards, and digitalisation is rapidly changing the nature of our business.
To understand above mentioned trends and address their impact on our industry, the International Apparel Federation (IAF) and the European Confederation of Apparel and Textiles (EURATEX) have decided to organise a double convention. Registration for these events has now opened on the joint convention website www.conventionantwerp.com.
Delegates can choose to register for the IAF’s 36th World Fashion Convention, for EURATEX’s 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention or for a combination of both, which the organisers of course recommend. The IAF Convention, carrying the theme ‘Transition of the Global Fashion System’ focusses on global industry developments whereas the EURATEX convention, themed “A new paradigm for the European Textiles and Clothing Industry”, has a strong European focus. Therefore, the two conventions are perfectly complementary.
The Antwerp Convention will be the first ‘live’ meeting for our industry in nearly two years’ time. That’s why the convention will combine knowledge with social events, notably the IAF and EURATEX joint networking dinner on 8 November in the Antwerp Fashion Museum.
EURATEX and IAF conventions are well established industry events featuring a high level of speakers and delegates. Previous speakers came from PVH, Hugo Boss, Zegna, as well as European Commission, McKinsey, OECD, and London College of Fashion. We expect about 150 delegates at each event, from over 20 countries. This event will bring together industry leaders, leaders of industry associations, public authorities, NGOs and academia.
IAF and EURATEX look forward to welcoming you at the IAF’s 36th World Fashion Convention and at the 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention, November 7th-9th in Antwerp, Belgium!