
European Commission announces “Textiles of the Future” Partnership under Horizon Europe

An important step ahead to develop an innovation-driven European textiles industry Brussels, 20 March 2024 – In the fringes of the EU Research and Innovation Days, the European Commission has announced 9 new European co-funded and co-programmed partnerships, including “Textiles of the Future” (*). These partnerships will be at the core of the Horizon Europe…
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RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting in Portugal brings together 43 Partners from 11 European regions to move the textile industry towards circularity

Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal, 13 March 2024 – For the past three days, representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation. Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments…
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AEQUALIS-4-TCLF brings together 19 European partners to upskill and reskill the TCLF sectors for equality and inclusion

Brussels, 06 March 2024 – In the context of the EU Pact for Skills, EURATEX is proud to launch an EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors.  The new project, AEQUALIS-4-TCLF, brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe[1]…
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European business calls for deepening the EU Single Market and renewing the dynamic of European integration

Brussels, 13 February 2024 – EURATEX and many other associations signed a joint statement to deepen the EU single market and to flag barriers. Recommendations:1. Renew the dynamic of European integration by deepening the EU’s Single Market to boost the EU’s competitiveness, improve living standards, and raise citizens’ income.2. Formulate a headline target with the…
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Industry Joint Letter on the EU-Mercosur Agreement

Brussels, 11 January 2024 – EURATEX and 22 industry associations sent a joint letter to the three EU Presidents to call on the EU and Mercosur leaders to rapidly conclude the trade negotiations on the remaining open points. Your excellency President Metsola, Your excellency President Michel, Your excellency President von der Leyen, We are writing…
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2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry

Brussels, 19 December 2023 – From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and…
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EURATEX publishes a Position Paper on Textiles Labelling

Brussels, 14 December 2023 – EURATEX welcomes and supports the EU Commission ambition to revise the Textiles Labelling Regulation No 1007/2011. EURATEX retains that the Regulation has overall served its purpose and delivered its overarching objectives, namely providing useful information to the consumer on the properties of the textile products. Nevertheless, in the light of…
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EURATEX joins the industry appeal on EU-US trade disputes

The clock is ticking. Time to permanently remove tariffs on sectors unrelated to the steel and aluminium and large civil aircraft disputes! Brussels/Washington – 7 December 2023. With less than a month before the reimposition of tariffs in the U.S.-EU steel and aluminium dispute on 1 January 2024, 87 sectors unrelated to the EU-U.S. steel…
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EURATEX welcomes the unanimous approval and adoption of the modernised PanEuroMed rules of origin

Brussels, 7 December 2023 – EURATEX welcomes the unanimous vote in support of the new rules of origin under the PEM Convention, as a historic achievement. Facilitating trade and investments in the “PanEuroMed” region (covering 27 EU member states and 24 partner countries in the neighbourhood region)1 is top priority region for the EU, as…
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Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023: Setting a Pinnacle in Sustainable Industry Practice

Brussels, 10 October 2023 – The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, jointly organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the unique Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will also include a day of…
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