What’s the aim?
The REACH4texiles project aims at exploring solutions for a fair and effective market surveillance on textile products by pooling together key actors to keep non-compliant products away from the single market, increase skills and knowledge, support a Network addressing chemicals in textiles and applying the EU regulation 2019/1020.

Key results
Understandinng of how market surveillance work across the EU and 2 testing campaigns across all sales channels in Italy, Germany and Belgium, with over 2000 chemicals REACH-compliance tests done on 160 articles.
The largest majority of products is compliant, but we need better market surveillance to protect citizen and the competitiveness of responsible businesses against free riders.
– Risk-based approach helps identifying free riders;
– Trainng and workshops to build knowledge, expertise of industry and testing lab can help;
– More harmonization across the EU Member States with a focus on Chemicals and Textiles (e.g. ADCO).
Next actions
EURATEX and project partners present results in 3Q2023 and 1Q2024 and discuss reccomendations.
Deep dive into the methods and results of REACH4Textiles.

Organization and expertise
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Risk based sampling and testing
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