CIRPASS is an EU funded project, that is preparing the ground for the gradual piloting and deployment of the Digital Product Passports, focusing on developing a roadmap for prototypes in three value chains: electronics, batteries and textiles. EURATEX is part of the textile specific stakeholder list and provides with consultative input to the project team.

Project goals and objectives include:
– Present an unambiguous cross-sectoral definition and description of the DPP
– Define a cross-sectoral product data model for the DPP with demonstrated usefulness for the Circular Economy
– Clarify the requirements related to product identification
– Propose an open DPP data exchange protocol adapted to the needs of circular economy stakeholders and propose such a protocol based on up-to-date digital technologies
– Build stakeholder consensus on key data for circularity and related open European and global vocabulary standards to be included in the DPP for the batteries, electronics, and textiles value chains
– Develop use cases and roadmaps for piloting, deployment, and circular business value generation of cross-sectoral DPPs.

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