Brussels, June 2021 – EURATEX and the secretariat of the “Sustainable, Long-term Investments & Competitive European Industry Intergroup” have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar “The EU Textile Strategy: source of competitiveness?” on 3 June from 14:00 to 15:30.
In view of the release of the European textile strategy by the European Commission later this year, the event chaired by Ms Maria Da Graça Carvalho will address critical factors for building a competitive European textile industry. In particular, the event will discuss what should be prioritized in the European textile strategy in order to build a new business model based on sustainability, digitization and fair trade.
The line-up of speakers is impressive, take a look:
Opening remarks: Maria Da Graça Carvalho MEP
Session “Sustainable Textiles: a business model for the future?”
– Paola Migliorini, DG ENVI, European Commission
– Valérie Boiten, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
– Sergio Tamborini, RATTI Spa and SMI President designate
Moderator: Mauro Scalia, EURATEX
Session “Digital textiles: when innovation needs people”
– Yves Paindaveine, DG CONNECT, European Commission
– Chiara Colombi, Politecnico di Milano
– Ana Pedrosa Rodrigues, Pedrosa Rodrigues
Moderator: Lisa Lang, EURATEX
Session “Global textiles: creating a world market for European quality”
– Ignacio Garcia bercero, DG TRADE, European Commission
– Judith Kirton-Darling, IndustriAll Europe
– Franz-Peter Falke, CEO, FALKE
Moderator: Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX
Closing remarks:
– Jean-Francois Gribomont, EURATEX Vice-President and CEO of utexbel
– Simona Bonafè MEP
Register now! https://bit.ly/2QAP40f