Germany, 17 May 2021 – Avoiding, reducing and, if there is no other way, offsetting the emission of climate-damaging C02. With this approach, Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH (ZKS) offers its customers a complete service for climate-neutral yarn.
According to Beate Wilms, Managing Director of ZKS, a company of the Peppermint Group, “With Go Natural! we are bundling our entire expertise in sustainability. We can thus offer completely climate-neutral yarns for the first time. But we are going one step further. We can calculate the exact CO2 footprint of every customer’s yarn product beyond our yarn production – along the supply chain starting from the raw material. This is unique in this form in the spinning sector so far and is attracting a lot of interest”.
From white wool jumpers to sofas, ZKS analyses the exact emissions from raw material extraction, transport routes, yarn production to delivery of the finished goods to the customer, packaging and disposal.
Wherever possible, ZKS relies on innovations in raw materials and processes to reduce or completely avoid its ecological footprint. In addition to natural raw materials, this is increasingly ensured by bio-based, biodegradable and recycled raw materials. Where C02 emissions cannot yet be avoided, the climate-damaging emissions are offset by reforestation or with marine protection projects against plastic waste.
ZKS provides its entire know-how along the value chain. This starts with researching raw materials and purchasing on the world market and continues through production to the question of whether the product can be returned to the cycle when it is disposed of. “With competence and transparency, we create the basis for sustainable business models and are a solution provider beyond the yarn to the textile surface” said Ms Wilms.
ZKS works together with recognised high-quality textile certifiers; cooperations that will be further expanded, because, according to Beate Wilms: “we are certain that the future belongs to sustainable textile business models. We at ZKS hold the key to this – with product innovations, optimised production processes and transparency along the supply chains.“
To know more about ZKS, visit the accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.