If you ever wonder where to find European fashion-tech industry stakeholders or you just want to explore the Fashion-tech ecosystem, the DeFINE network could interest you. Called the Accelerators and Incubator Map, this interactive platform counts many actors, facilitators and collaborations of the industry from around Europe.
Focussing on the Fashion-tech community, the map identifies five categories of actors:
- Incubators: All early-stage support services to entrepreneurs
- Accelerators: All business growth support services
- Clusters: Industry associations, R&D organisations
- Hub: Facilities & equipment for innovators
- Academic institution: Universities, Fashion or design schools
Not only this map is useful to identify key players in the industry, but also it helps to connect with organization sharing the same focus. Moreover, it helps establish partnerships and collaborative initiatives across Europe.
Available for all, you will find organizations such as:
- Start-up Lisboa
- As an incubator, they provide support to creative companies during their firsts years of activity. Mentoring, access to investment, knowledge sharing are their main activities.
- Makerversity
- This organisation builds and supports the “maker” businesses as they call them. By joining their offices in London, members join a community of creative and technical specialist.
- New Fashion Zone
- In the heart of the capital of Ukraine, they have as mission to develop an international fashion community with new ways of interactions by supporting all sorts of initiatives.
- Lifestyle & Design Cluster
- Promoting innovation and sustainable growth in SMEs, this Danish cluster creates a dialogue within the industries while generating new knowledge.
If you were inspired by those organization and, you are interested in expanding your list of contacts, finding new business opportunities, and stay up to date with Fashion-tech stakeholders join by adding your organization to the map.