EURATEX works on a portfolio of projects and initiatives to promote and support the competitiveness of the European textile ecosystem.

In the context of the European social dialogue, the StitchTogether project promotes social dialogue by bringing together employer organizations and workers’ organizations, represented respectively by EURATEX and industriAll Europe. This collaboration is focused on fostering a constructive dialogue between both sides, in the context of a rapid changing environment for the textiles industry.
The StitchTogether initiative seeks to promote social dialogue within the textile and clothing industry across Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, and non-EU Türkiye.
In the framework of the European Green Deal, RegioGreenTex is a project promoting the collaboration in research and development for the textile industry between the four major sectors of society – industry, government, research institutes, and the public – in establishing a systematic circular economy business model across the EU.
As project coordinator, EURATEX leads 43 partners in implementing and delivering RegioGreenTex.

TCLF SkillBridge
The TCLF SkillBridge project supports organisations and SMEs to upskill and reskill their workforce in line with the evolving TCLF industries demands by establishing strong regional partnerships.
TCLF SkillBridge main objectives align with the Pact for Skills ambitions, namely establishing and nurturing robust partnerships across key EU regions, ensuring a harmonised approach to achieve common goals; monitoring partnership actions through a dedicated platform, facilitating community exchanges for knowledge sharing, and providing strong support to SMEs to upskill and reskill their workforce in line with the evolving industry demands.
The new MetaSkillS4TCLF project is robust and ambitious project responding to the objectives of the Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills. It aims at capturing the PACT4SKILLS TCLF, and consolidating and updating part of the former Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030 project outcomes.
The results will be a stronger and wider cooperation to anticipate and respond to new skills gaps by introducing new and innovative educational multi-level resources and methodologies, by involving new actors, and by increasing appeal and inclusion in the industry. Ensuring that “no talent is wasted”, the project will deliver a strong dissemination campaign and sustainability plan.

The AEQUALIS4TCLF project focuses on addressing the skills gaps existing in the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) industries in the European Union, emphasizing equality, innovation, and resilience. Similar to the METASKILLS4TCLF project, the AEQUALIS4TCLF project will provide a broader geographical cooperation capacity while anticipating and responding to new skills gaps with innovative educational multi-level resources.
Furthermore, the project will emphasise equality in the sectors and address the specific needs of migrant workers in certain countries. The project will involve relevant stakeholders such as industry representatives, chambers of commerce, employers’ associations, HE and VET providers embodied in 8 European countries.
TCLF Skills Alliance
The TCLF Skills Alliance is the Textile Clothing Leather and Footwear initiative to support public and private organisations with upskilling and reskilling in the context of the European Commission Pact for Skills.

CISUTAC aims to remove current bottlenecks in order to increase textile circularity in Europe. The objective is to minimise the sector’s total environmental impact by developing sustainable, novel, and inclusive large-scale European value chains.
CIRPASS-2 is a three year R&D project funded by the European Commission starting in May 2024. With 13 flagship pilot projects, CIRPASS-2 will demonstrate functioning DPPs in real-life settings at scale in four target value chains: textiles, electronics, tyres and construction materials. CIRPASS-2 objectives are:
– to prove cross-pilot interoperability
– provide support to SMEs in their uptake of the DPP
– support the deployment of DPP-as-a-Service, and the deployment and adoption of DPPs by other sectors targeted by upcoming EU regulations
Ultimately, CIRPASS-2 aims to prepare the market for the incoming legislation, to create one European DPP registration while increasing the value of reuse, repair and recycling for manufacturers.

ReHubs Europe plans to pursue fiber-to-fiber recycling for 2.5 millions tons of textile waste in Europe and generating more than 15,000 new jobs by 2030, while increasing nearshoring and reshoring of textile manufacturing.The textile recycling industry in Europe could reach economic, social and environmental benefits for €3.5 billion to €4.5 billion by 2030.
“Transform Waste into Feedstock” has been announced as the first project supported by ReHubs aiming at building a 50,000 tons capacity facility by 2024.
EURATEX is Partner of the New European Bauhaus
The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. EURATEX embrances the New European Bauhaus values to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future through beautiful textiles and clothing.
The REACH4texiles project aims at exploring solutions for a fair and effective market surveillance on textile products by pooling together key actors to keep non-compliant products away from the single market, increase skills and knowledge, support a Network addressing chemicals in textiles and applying the EU regulation 2019/1020.