
Gender diversity at Uhana Design

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we celebrate women who challenge the status quo. Meet Mira Vanttaja and Hanna Virkamäki, founders and designers of Uhana Design, a Finnish clothing brand. Uhana Design was founded from the desire to make perfectly fitting, quality clothing that ‘falls on your body effortlessly’.  Hi Mira Vanttaja and Hanna…
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Iconic women of the textile & clothing sectors

March 8 is International Women’s Day. This day highlights the daily struggles and discriminations that women faced and still suffer all over the world. For us it is a great opportunity to celebrate women who marked the history of the textile and clothing sector, as we believe in the power of representations. Who are these…
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EU should speed up the recovery of the textile sector

Brussels, 23 February 2021 – The textile and clothing industry was hardly hit by the pandemic in 2020. It is time for the European Commission and Member States to set the conditions for future competitiveness and resilience. On the occasion of EU Industry Days, EURATEX asks the European Commission and Member States to set the…
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EURATEX for a comprehensive EU Textile Strategy

Brussels, 2 February 2021 – EURATEX responded with clear ideas to the roadmap for a European Textile Strategy. The EC initiative should push the textile and clothing industry to be more competitiveness, innovative and sustainable. The European Commission aims at adopting the European Strategy for Textile by the 3rd Quarter of 2021. It published first…
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Circular Economy Action Plan: a step forward in the right direction

Brussels, 10 February 2021 – EURATEX welcomes the Huitema Report on Circular Economy Action Plan, voted yesterday in the European Parliament. EURATEX is ready to engage with all the stakeholders involved in the process and contribute to the debate on specific provisions, like Ecodesign and greenwashing. EURATEX welcomes the EP own-initiative report on Circular Economy…
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EURATEX signs a Joint Letter for Immediate Suspension of Retaliatory Tariffs

Brussels, 25 January 2021 – EURATEX, together with seventy-one U.S. and European associations representing a wide range of industries sent a letter today to President Joseph R. Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urging the immediate suspension of tariffs on sectors unrelated to the ongoing Trans-Atlantic trade disputes. The coalition stated that suspending tariffs…
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A complete recovery is still uncertain, despite some positive signals – the latest economic data show

Brussels, 21 December 2020 – Data of the third quarter of 2020 show a partial recovery compared to the second quarter. Nevertheless, production is still negative, and signs of a full recovery are yet to be seen. EURATEX is calling the EU for an active engagement in crucial area like circular economy, digitisation and level…
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Due Diligence in the Textile and Clothing Industry

Brussels, 10 December 2020 – Due diligence describes the process by which businesses are expected to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for adverse corporate impact on human rights and the environment. EURATEX recommends the EU to be guided by some principles like harmonization and proportionality. The world’s textile and fashion industry is geographically widely dispersed.…
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The European Textiles Industry makes a final call to reach an agreement on EU-UK negotiations – nearly 130,000 jobs are at stake.

Brussels, 23 November 2020. A new study, commissioned by EURATEX with the University of Leuven[1], reveals that a “no deal” Brexit would have a detrimental impact on the textile and clothing industry (T&C) with job losses over 100,000 for the EU27 and over 27,000 for the UK. Output losses for the UK would be 41.8%…
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Brussels, 16 November 2020 – EURATEX unveils ReHubs, a joint initiative to upcycle textile waste and circular materials all over Europe. The aim is to create 5 hubs to process textile waste and become European coordination centres. The traditional linear textile business model (from virgin materials to products and then waste), results in high consumption…
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